Mucking about with mecha

Got sidetracked as always and made a mech copter thing, its still got a way to go but the main parts are inplace, i just have to join them up.


as the player walks down the path he should become aware of crows perched on the rocks ahead of him they are chatting like parrots but with clear human voices, they spot the player and take flight following him and attacking him as he runs into the cave.

Taking a break

So I need a break coma mainly because its sometime nice to just sit and doodle without having to think to much or work towards a particular visual goal, so I have being mucking about in photoshop doing a little photo manipulation and painting both where done in a few hours and are just doodles.

Upping the detail

So I’ve gone back to the rocks, I’m now moving along the path and adding detail as its needed ill do a first pass and see how it feels, this is the sort of task that can go on forever.

Started the balloon

So after completing the wooden path I have decided I still can’t face the idea of more rocks, so I’ve moved onto the balloon lift that takes the player up to the city, design wise I wanted to stay away from something glamorous and fancy and instead stick to something simple with a utility feel to it, something modular.

So far I’m just mocking it up when it’s done and I’m happy ill remake the relevant parts increasing and decreasing the geometry as required